Cuenta de Ahorros Educativos Coverdell
Ahorros libres de impuestos para la educación en cada una de las etapas.
- Abre una Cuenta de Ahorros Educativos Coverdell for Coverdell Education Savings
- Compara Cuentas de Inversión
La educación puede tener un precio elevado. Ahorra para ella abriendo una Cuenta de Ahorros Educativos Coverdell (CESA) libre de impuestos a nombre de un hijo de hasta 18 años*. También conocida como cuenta IRA para la educación, una CESA es una cuenta de ahorro fiduciaria o de custodia que puedes utilizar para pagar gastos de educación cualificados, como matrícula, libros, suministros, equipamiento, tutoría académica y servicios para necesidades especiales. A diferencia de los planes 529, los fondos de las CESA pueden utilizarse para la educación primaria, secundaria o superior. Las CESA también te permiten dirigir tus inversiones frente a un menú de opciones.
- Aporta hasta $ 2,000 al año
- Disfruta de un crecimiento y reintegros libres de impuestos
- Abre un número ilimitado de CESA para un beneficiario designado
- Utiliza los fondos para matrículas, libros, material, equipamiento, tutorías académicas y servicios para necesidades especiales.
Socios: Envíen un mensaje seguro a través de la banca en línea, llámanos o visita una sucursal para abrir tu nueva cuenta.
Ahorra para la educación de tu futuro Trojan
Abre una Cuenta de Ahorros Educativos Coverdell (CESA) libre de impuestos, en línea o en cualquier sucursal.
El APR para todo es genial. También puedes tener una de las mejores cuentas de ahorro que existen.
Cuentas de Cheques
Cajeros automáticos gratuitos. Banca en línea gratis. Las cuentas de cheques de USC Credit Union te ofrecen ventajas y muchas opciones, desde nuestra cuenta básica sin comisiones hasta las cuentas que devengan intereses.
Tarjeta de Débito
¡Sin dinero en efectivo! Tu tarjeta Débito/ATM te permite acceder a los fondos de tu cuenta corriente deslizando rápidamente la tarjeta.
Deposito Directo
¡Recibe tu pago con anticipación! Recibe tu cheque de pago o cualquier pago recurrente depositado electrónicamente en tu cuenta de cheques en línea. Es seguro, fácil de configurar, y un verdadero ahorro de tiempo.
Educational Resources
Student Loans Student Loans
Why Should You Refinance Student Loans with a Credit Union?
Student loans may have helped you get the education needed for your future career, but making student loan payments can also be a pain point in your monthly expenses. Refinancing one or more of your loans could save you money and simplify your repayment. Before you determine where you should refinance your student loans, you should consider if it’s a smart decision for you.
Why Should You Refinance Student Loans with a Credit Union?
Credit Unions Credit Unions
Why Do Credit Unions Have Better Rates?
There’s a reason more than 130 million people belong to a credit union. Individuals choose credit unions over traditional banks for higher dividend rates, minimal account fees, and lower interest rates on loan products. But how can a small army of 5,000+ federally insured credit unions offer these benefits and a host of other financial benefits to everyday consumers?
Why Do Credit Unions Have Better Rates?
Home Buying Home Buying
Free Home Buyers Guide
USC Credit Union is here to help you feel more confident in today’s real estate market. We’ve helped thousands of our member-owners reach their homeownership goals and we will do the same for you. Download our Free Home Buyer’s Guide and learn about the entire home-buying process.
Free Home Buyers Guide
Home Loan Advice Home Loan Advice
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) vs. Home Equity Loan
A HELOC and a home equity loan are two popular options for homeowners looking to tap into the equity they’ve built in their property. Dive deeper into the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each option to help you make the right choice.
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) vs. Home Equity Loan
Identity Theft Identity Theft
Protect Yourself from Fraud & Scams
Fraud and scams are becoming increasingly common, with criminals using sophisticated methods to trick individuals into giving away their personal information or money. By staying informed and proactive, you can minimize your risk of falling victim to scams and protect your identity and money.
Protect Yourself from Fraud & Scams
Credit Credit
Tell me more about credit scores and credit reports.
Your credit report is a comprehensive summary of your credit history and is used by lenders, landlords, and other financial institutions to determine your creditworthiness. It’s a crucial document that has a significant impact on your financial life, and it’s important to understand what it contains and how it’s used.
Tell me more about credit scores and credit reports.
Digital Services Digital Services
Introducing Your Mobile Wallet
A mobile wallet is a way to carry a digital version of your credit cards or debit cards on your mobile device. Instead of fumbling through your wallet (or purse) to find your card, you can pay with your smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch.
Introducing Your Mobile Wallet
Digital Services Digital Services
Does USC Credit Union have paperless options?
USC Credit Union is doing our part to help you help the environment, where we make going green simple. It’s easy to enroll for eStatements, use Online Bill Pay, and sign-up for Direct Deposit.
Does USC Credit Union have paperless options?
Credit Credit
What can I do to improve my credit score?
Credit can seem complicated. Many people think those 3 magic numbers are a mystery, but controlling your credit score is easier than you think! Here are some tips for establishing credit or building your credit score back to health.
What can I do to improve my credit score?
Borrower Advice Borrower Advice
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Refinancing Your Auto Loan
You may have the car of your dreams already, but your current loan situation may be less than ideal. Refinancing your auto loan is a great way to lessen financial stress and make the remainder of your loan payoff process easy, all while saving money! Here are some things to keep in mind before making the switch.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Refinancing Your Auto Loan
*Las aportaciones no son deducibles de impuestos y están limitadas a $2,000 anuales.