Centro de Recursos de Préstamos

Respuestas a tus preguntas sobre préstamos y créditos.

El endeudamiento es un elemento clave para la salud financiera. Con cada préstamo para automóvil, HELOC o tarjeta de crédito, aumenta tu capacidad de endeudamiento. Como tu cooperativa de crédito estamos comprometidos con tu bienestar financiero y con ayudarte a tomar las mejores decisiones de préstamo. Hemos creado este centro de recursos para compartir los últimos consejos, herramientas y tendencias de préstamos. ¿Es la primera vez que compras una vivienda? ¿Super ahorrador? Comprueba tus cálculos con nuestras prácticas calculadoras de intereses de préstamos hipotecarios y cuentas de ahorro.

Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los recursos no estén disponibles en español.


Why Should You Refinance Student Loans with a Credit Union?

Student loans may have helped you get the education needed for your future career, but making student loan payments can also be a pain point in your monthly expenses. Refinancing one or more of your loans could save you money and simplify your repayment. Before you determine where you should refinance your student loans, you should consider if it’s a smart decision for you.

Why Do Credit Unions Have Better Rates?

There’s a reason more than 130 million people belong to a credit union. Individuals choose credit unions over traditional banks for higher dividend rates, minimal account fees, and lower interest rates on loan products. But how can a small army of 5,000+ federally insured credit unions offer these benefits and a host of other financial benefits to everyday consumers?

Free Home Buyers Guide

USC Credit Union is here to help you feel more confident in today’s real estate market. We’ve helped thousands of our member-owners reach their homeownership goals and we will do the same for you. Download our Free Home Buyer’s Guide and learn about the entire home-buying process.

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) vs. Home Equity Loan

A HELOC and a home equity loan are two popular options for homeowners looking to tap into the equity they've built in their property. Dive deeper into the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each option to help you make the right choice.

Protect Yourself from Fraud & Scams

Fraud and scams are becoming increasingly common, with criminals using sophisticated methods to trick individuals into giving away their personal information or money. By staying informed and proactive, you can minimize your risk of falling victim to scams and protect your identity and money.

Tell me more about credit scores and credit reports.

Your credit report is a comprehensive summary of your credit history and is used by lenders, landlords, and other financial institutions to determine your creditworthiness. It's a crucial document that has a significant impact on your financial life, and it's important to understand what it contains and how it's used.

What can I do to improve my credit score?

Credit can seem complicated. Many people think those 3 magic numbers are a mystery, but controlling your credit score is easier than you think! Here are some tips for establishing credit or building your credit score back to health.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Refinancing Your Auto Loan

You may have the car of your dreams already, but your current loan situation may be less than ideal. Refinancing your auto loan is a great way to lessen financial stress and make the remainder of your loan payoff process easy, all while saving money! Here are some things to keep in mind before making the switch.

What to do if you become a victim of “Phishing”?

Phishing is a fraudulent tactic used by cybercriminals to steal sensitive information, such as login credentials and financial information, from unsuspecting victims. Know what steps to take if you are a victim of “phishing” or any other form of identity theft.

How Can I Minimize the Risk of Identity Theft?

With the increasing amount of sensitive information stored online, it's essential to take proactive steps to protect your identity and prevent identity theft. If you're concerned about the safety of your personal information or just want to take a proactive approach to security, read this guide today.

Tax Benefits for College Students and Parents

Did you know you can take advantage of special tax breaks just for college students and their parents? These benefits come in the form of tax credits and deductions when you file your income tax return. What’s the difference? A credit reduces the amount of income tax you have to pay. A deduction reduces the amount of your income that is taxed, which also typically lessens your tax bill. In other words, you could get a bigger tax refund.

The Facts on Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your bank account number, Social Security number, credit card, or other personal information for his or her own ends. Here's what you need to know about identity theft and how to protect yourself.

Protecting Yourself at the (Gas) Pump

In the last few years, gas pumps have been a favorite target for fraudsters to place skimming devices. Here are risk mitigation and best practices for you to follow.

Managing Debt Guide

This eBook looks at all the different kinds of debt you can carry, the good and the bad, some guidelines to follow when you need to borrow money, and what to do if you find yourself in a pinch.

Protección Mecánica

¡USC Credit Union se ha asociado con Mercury Insurance para proporcionar a los socios productos de protección mecánica con sus préstamos para automóviles! Proteja tu vehículo mucho más allá de la garantía del fabricante con Protección Mecánica.

Enjoy the Journey with a USC Credit Union Auto Loan

Remote start, leather interior, all-wheel drive – just like picking out the perfect vehicle, it’s important to find an auto loan that helps you enjoy the journey starting from the first day you drive your new vehicle off the lot. Depending on the term you pick, your auto loan can be with you for as long as 5 years. Avoid buyer’s remorse by following our tips to lock in the best auto loan and lowest interest rates.</p>

7 Tips Every Credit Card User Should Know

Credit cards are convenient, powerful tools to help build your credit, make big purchases, and practice financial responsibility. With that said, credit cards can seem complicated. Between interest rates, balance transfers, late fees, and due dates, there’s a lot of information to keep up with.

Consolidation vs. Refinancing Student Loans

Student loan consolidation and refinancing are two options available to borrowers looking to manage their student loan debt. We break down the differences between loan consolidation and refinancing, discuss the eligibility requirements, and help you determine which option is best for your financial situation. 

‘Pre-qualified’ and ‘pre-approved’ for a loan – what’s the difference?

As a home buyer, knowing the difference between being pre-qualified and pre-approved is an important step in the mortgage process. Making your decision on which one to choose starts with understanding the definition of each of those terms.

Free Auto Buying eBook

This eBook will give you everything you need to know before buying a car. Learn how to be a savvy car shopper so you don’t get taken for a ride. We’ll arm you with knowledge of financing, interest rates, terms, and more. Be prepared, so you can drive off the lot with confidence.

What is the difference between a credit union and a bank?

When it comes to managing your finances, you have several options available to you, including banks and credit unions. While both offer similar financial products and services, there are some key differences between the two that can affect your decision about which one to choose.

Understanding Financial Aid Award Letters

You’ve received your college acceptance letters – congratulations! If you’ve been accepted to multiple schools, one of the biggest determining factors for your final choice may be the out of pocket cost for each option. Along with your acceptance letters, you should receive an award letter outlining the financial aid for which you are eligible at each college. Here are some important definitions you should know.

How much down payment is normally required to buy a home?

For many people, buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions they will make in their lifetime. One of the key considerations in this process is the down payment, which is the amount of cash that a buyer pays upfront toward the purchase price. While the amount of the down payment required can vary depending on several factors, it is an essential component of the home-buying process.

Student Loan eBook

Some college students graduate with honors. But a lot more graduate with debts. In this ebook we cover the lingo surrounding student loans, explain the importance of choosing the right lender, and how important it is to seek federal aid and scholarships first!

Student Loan Refinance Guide

Don’t let student debt hold you back from the finer things in life. In this ebook we cover the pitfalls of student debt, explore if refinancing is right for you, show you how much you can potentially save, and more!

When is the best time to sell or buy a home?

In buying or selling your home, timing is everything. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the best time to sell or buy a home, there are several factors to consider when making your decision.

What is a mortgage?

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you'll make in your lifetime. A mortgage is a loan that helps you finance the purchase of a home, and it's important to understand how it works.

Member Fraud Awareness

Many people think they can spot and outwit a scam, but the truth is that scams become more savvy and sophisticated every year. Knowing some basics and being vigilant can keep you and your money safe from scammers.

Fraud Prevention Tips

It’s important to remain vigilant and protect yourself against fraud and identity theft. Member security is a top priority at USC Credit Union, so we’ve compiled a list of common scenarios to look out for.

Debt Protection – Español

Si sucede lo inesperado, no querrás verte agravado por la preocupación financiera. Con Protección de Deuda, puedes cancelar el saldo o los pagos de tu préstamo en caso de desempleo involuntario, discapacidad o muerte.

5 Pinch-Proof Tips to Prevent Scams & Fraud

Don't let scams and fraud catch you off guard this St. Patrick's Day. Protect your identity and money with these 5 pinch-proof tips!

Préstamos Hipotecarios

Compra y consigue un préstamo de manera inteligente.

Casa inicial o «tu casa para siempre», como quiera que la consideres, lo más probable es que necesites una hipoteca antes de poder llamarla hogar. Aprende lo que necesitas saber para cerrar el trato con éxito.

Ver las tarifas de hoy

Aprende Más about Home Loans

Líneas de Crédito sobre el Capital Inmobiliario

Aprovecha el capital de tu vivienda.

El capital inmobiliario puede ser una poderosa herramienta de préstamo. ¿Cómo puedes utilizarlo? ¿Cómo funcionan las HELOC? Encuentra las respuestas a estas preguntas y a muchas más

Ver las tarifas de hoy

Aprende Más  about Home Equity

Préstamos Personales

Aumenta tus conocimientos sobre préstamos.

La tranquilidad financiera cuesta menos de lo que crees. USC Credit Union ofrece préstamos personales y líneas de crédito asequibles que puedes utilizar para cualquier propósito. Aprende lo que necesitas saber para aumentar tu poder de endeudamiento.

Ver tarifas de hoy

Aprende Más  about Personal Loans

Administrar las Deudas de Préstamos

Tu mejor futuro financiero empieza hoy.

Las decisiones financieras que tomes hoy pueden ponerte en el buen camino en los años venideros. Como tu socio financiero, estamos aquí para ti en cada paso del camino. Utiliza nuestros recursos de préstamo para mejorar tus conocimientos financieros.

Ver las tarifas de hoy

Aprende Más  about Managing Loan Debt

USC Credit Union has been a reliable source of financial support for me for 36 years! I’ve never had a better experience.


  • Préstamos Personales

    Prepárate para gastos inesperados, consolida deudas, paga mejoras en el hogar o realiza una compra importante con una de nuestras asequibles opciones de Préstamos Personales.

  • Préstamos Hipotecarios

    Vivienda inicial, segunda vivienda o tu «hogar para siempre» – como quiera que lo quieras llamar, podemos ayudarte a llamarlo tu hogar con hipotecas asequibles a tipo fijo y a tipo variable.

  • Préstamos para Autos

    ¿Por qué financiar con nosotros? Simple: Somos una cooperativa de crédito sin intereses de accionistas que cuidar. El resultado: Tasas de préstamos para automóviles, camiones, motocicletas, vehículos recreativos y mucho más, que derrotan a los bancos tradicionales.


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